100 What Ifs

  1. What if the  earth was flat, do the dolphins and whales can swim around the world?
  2. What if there is no gravity on earth, does the sea, mountain and building are floating in the air?
  3. What if there is no rain or storm, does the forest remains green?
  4. What if there is no time and there is no change, would I dance with all fever up?
  5. What if the moon was triangle, can we say it triangulus satellite?
  6. What if water is not blue, can we say blue ocean if it is not blue?
  7. What if you are in my position and I’m in your position, would it be the same?
  8. What if you are Pres. Obama, are you sure you want to be a president?
  9. What if dinosaurs are living in our cities, can we say it a domestic animal?
  10. What if there are no houses, can we say I’m home?
  11. What if there are no computers, can we live on ease?
  12. What if I can predict the future, can I change my own destiny?
  13. What if there are no flowers, can we say the garden were beautiful?
  14. What if there are 3 suns, can I say goodnight to you?
  15. What if there are no oceans? Can we say the world is a big dessert?
  16. What if there are no corals, can we say fish is everywhere?
  17. What if there are no cellphones, can we tell jokes and greet others across the country?
  18. What if there are no numbers, how can we organize everything?
  19. What if all of us have the same surname and first name, how can we identify  ourselves?
  20. What if there are no politics, can we say that our lives are peacefully?
  21. What if there is no internet, would my computer say I’m happy?
  22. What if there are no alphabets, how to write letters?
  23. What if I’m a tree, how can I contribute myself to our society?
  24. What if dust is everywhere, what happen to our respiratory system?
  25. What if cockroach is everywhere, can we eat properly?
  26. What if I can turn back the time, does the word contentment exist?
  27. What if there are no pigs, where are the lechons and pork cubes?
  28. What if there are no lights, can we see hope?
  29. What if cities are full of anacondas and cobras, what should we do?
  30. What if there is no piano, how can I play yiruma’s music piece?
  31. What if there is no question mark, what happen to curiosity?
  32. What if there is no language, how to understand things?
  33. What if there are no leaves, what is the color of the forest?
  34. What if there is no light, how can we see things in the dark?
  35. What if there are no clothes, how can I say formal attire?
  36. What if there is no mouth, how can we eat and talk?
  37. What if there is no telephone, how can I say hello to you?
  38. What if fire doesn’t exist, does our jaw looks like a homo erectus?
  39. What if rain consists of toxic acid, how can I kiss the rain?
  40. What if there is no oxygen, how do I breathe?
  41. What if the earth is triangle, does the world tilting in its perfect rotation?
  42. What if there are 5 genders, what are we going to call in the 3 unknown genders?
  43. What if there is no shoes, does it feel good?
  44. What if there is no underwear, where is the bikini show or pageant?
  45. What if paper doesn’t exist, where’s the pencil?
  46. What there is no ferry’s wheel, how to see the place in a sweet way?
  47. What if there is no radio, does AM and FM exist?
  48. What if there are three eyeballs, where is the other eye’s position?
  49. What if there are six hands, does our work will work faster?
  50. What if there is no music, how to overcome boredom?
  51. What if there is no ear, how can we listen?
  52. What if there is no hope, what happen to us?
  53. What if there is a garbage extract perfume, would you buy 1 for you?
  54. What if the color of your eyes is black, is it ok for you?
  55. What if you have a cancer, what will you do?
  56. What if crocodiles are everywhere, would you stay longer?
  57. What if every day have a storm, can we say it’s a beautiful day?
  58. What if there is no keyboard, how can I type my intention?
  59. What if feces are everywhere, how to eat properly?
  60. What if red is the color of the sky, what is your reaction?
  61. What if your head are full of maggots, would you stay longer?
  62. What if  there are no social networks, how to connect with ease?
  63. What if there is no water, what is my smell?
  64. What if loud sounds everywhere, how can I say peace?
  65. What if there is no courteous person, what happen to society?
  66. What if there is no church, where we are on Sunday?
  67. What if black is the color of water, would you drink it?
  68. What if angels have no wings, does it look nice?
  69. What if there are no casinos, how to bet your money?
  70. What if there is no rice to eat, how can I say “half rice pls.”?
  71. What if sleep doesn’t exist, does insomnia doesn’t exist too?
  72. What if leaving doesn’t exist, can I hold your hands forever?
  73. What if there is no lips, how can I kiss you?
  74. What if there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, would you trace the rainbow to grab the gold?
  75. What if there are no stars, how can I see the beauty of the night?
  76. What if there is no moon, can we trace the end of month?
  77. What if forgiveness doesn’t exist, how to solve conflict?
  78. What if you have five ears, is it ok for you?
  79. What if you have a tail, would you expose it to public?
  80. What if all of us are idiots, how to identify your class?
  81. What if there is no car, how to travel with ease?
  82. What if there are three legs, how can I walk?
  83. What if everything is hard, how can I say comfortable?
  84. What if drugs doesn’t exist, how to cure illness?
  85. What if earthworm is the alternative rice, would you lose your appetite?
  86. What if you have 3 tongues, how can I lick ice creams?
  87. What if black is the color of our teeth, what is the use of whitening toothpaste?
  88. What if time doesn’t exist, how can we move on?
  89. What if 20 is the age point of every individual, what happen to life? Is it exciting?
  90. What if there are 82 days only in a year, does everyone is excited for Christmas?
  91. What if we found each other’s hands earlier, what is now for us?
  92. What if God made this situation, would you like it?
  93. What if waiting is the best way I can do, would you wait for me?
  94. What if dance with you is my dream tonight, would you be my partner for this night?
  95. What if love doesn’t exist, how can I express this feelings to someone?
  96. What if I court someone, in what way should I do to make you happy?
  97. What if I am not a Taguinod, where am I now and would it be the same?
  98. What if my feelings changed because of you and to what happened, how would you reply?
  99. What if this is certain and necessary, should I say “yo te quierro” to you?
  100. And….. What if I say “yo te quierro” would you reply the same way too?

we use ‘what if’ because we are not contented in everything, we are curious if that and that, we use it because the world is not perfect, we dont want this world, what if is the starting point of our decisions and actions, and the way to changed the world by our own hands.